The Season
The MSBL season runs from April 1st to Mid-July culminating into a single elimination seeded bracket tournament. Teams can expect to play 18-22 games (8U part time 10-12 games.) Teams will also be able to choose their own dates, times, and field locations allowing for more flexibility during the season.
In October managers and coaches are invited to our kickoff meeting. Registration link, rule changes, tournament weekends will all be shared at the kickoff meeting. In early March we will host age specific scheduling meetings where coaches will gather and build their schedules for the year.
April 1st, teams will start their regular season. The end of year tournament will typically be held the weekend before the 4th of July holiday, and the weekend after. The season is complete by Mid July.
2025 Tournament Dates
8U, 11U (National & Patriot), 13U
June 26th-29th
9U, 10U, 11U (*Elite & American) 12U, 14U
July 10th-13th